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Connecticut Ice Cream Trucks
Catering Ice Cream Special Event Parties Throughout Connecticut
How It Works
- Our packages include 1 Server and are priced based on product type and travel time to and from 1 of 4 regions within Connecticut
- Each package specifies the included number of ice creams to be catered (not the estimated or actual guest count) at your event
- You will be given the option for an additional charge for us to cater additional servers than what is specified within the package
- In the event that you choose to continue beyond the package then the Server will individually tally each additional ice cream catered
- If you decline the Option For Additional Consumption then the total cost will be exactly what is specified below
- We prefer that all parties are paid in full within 14 business days but understand Schools and Corporations may need 30-60 days
- If you have any questions about logistics, volume discounts, or in need of special requests please call 203-992-2000
Pricing Depends On Party Location By Region*
- $249 (includes minimum of 30 servings) Region 1: Locally in Southern Fairfield County
- $349 (includes minimum of 40 servings) Region 2: New Haven and Northern Fairfield County
- $399 (includes minimum of 40 servings) Region 3: Hartford, Middlesex, Southern Litchfield, & Western New London
- $449 (includes minimum of 40 servings) Region 4: Tolland, Windham, Northern Litchfield, and Eastern New London
- Please email if anywhere in Westchester or Springfield
*Packages Are Also Based On Product click here for menu
- Classic Prepackaged Novelty Bars (No additional charge)
- Novelty and Scooped Ice Cream Cups* ($25 additional setup fee)
- Soft Serve, Cones, Sundaes, Scooped, and Novelty* ($50 additional setup fee)
Option To Add Additional Servings
- All ice cream trucks will show up fully stocked (500-1000+ servings) to your event regardless of your expected head count
- As you reach the package minimum the Server will ask and give you the option to extend beyond the package
- Each Novelty Ice Cream served over the included package minimum will be an additional $3-4 per serving
- Each Premium and Soft Serve Ice Cream served over the package minimum will be an additional $3-5 per serving

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